Carpets and Allergies
The debate about carpets and allergies has been going on probably since the first carpet was made thousands of years ago. Carpet manufacturers will obviously deny as much as possible that carpets can cause allergies but the fact of the matter is that although carpets themselves don’t actually cause the allergies they do contribute to the spread of allergens.
Carpets are made up of millions of fibres, each fibre in turn is made up of hundreds of smaller fibres that all have spaces between them. Gravity is something that we can’t get rid of, unless you move to the moon, and many allergies are caused by tiny particles that float around in the environment. When outside the wind will make them float around in the air and transfer to clothing, hair or anything that they can attach to. When you enter your home, just brushing against the wall, will release these particles into the air. As soon as there is not air movement they will be pulled down by gravity and end up on the floor, in the carpet fibres if you have carpets and will stay there until disturbed.
Air movement is the main cause of these allergens to be blown around again and people that are allergic to certain particles will breathe them in and then the allergic reaction occurs. Also just walking on a carpet can cause them to be released although for an adult walking high above a carpet this generally doesn’t create a problem but will for children still crawling or walking around.
When a carpet becomes dirty there is a build-up of sticky residue that some allergens will stick to and will only become a problem for small children that are crawling with their faces close to the surface. There are ways to prevent these allergens staying in the carpet in order to minimise and allergic reaction however the particles are so small that regular vacuuming, although does help, will not remove all of them.
That being said it is still possible to enjoy the luxurious feel of a carpet that offers protection as well as warmth especially for those tiny members of the household and a regular cleaning schedule should be maintained in order to keep the carpet from building up dirt. The more dirt on the carpet the more likely that allergens will have places to hide and be trapped waiting to be released by movement.
Apart from regular vacuuming and professional cleaning, protecting your carpet will create a lot less space for the allergens to hide. Most carpets on the market today come with a protection when you buy them however through friction created by vacuuming this protection wears off and at least once a year a new protectant should be applied after thorough cleaning. Basically that this protectant does is coat the fibres so that dirt and dust particles cannot penetrate the fibre and are easily removed when you are doing your daily vacuuming.
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Carpets and Allergies
The debate about carpets and allergies has been going on probably since the first carpet was made thousands of years ago. Carpet manufacturers will obviously deny as much as possible that carpets can cause allergies but the fact of the matter is that although carpets themselves don’t actually cause the allergies they do contribute to the spread of allergens.
Carpets are made up of millions of fibres, each fibre in turn is made up of hundreds of smaller fibres that all have spaces between them. Gravity is something that we can’t get rid of, unless you move to the moon, and many allergies are caused by tiny particles that float around in the environment. When outside the wind will make them float around in the air and transfer to clothing, hair or anything that they can attach to. When you enter your home, just brushing against the wall, will release these particles into the air. As soon as there is not air movement they will be pulled down by gravity and end up on the floor, in the carpet fibres if you have carpets and will stay there until disturbed.
Air movement is the main cause of these allergens to be blown around again and people that are allergic to certain particles will breathe them in and then the allergic reaction occurs. Also just walking on a carpet can cause them to be released although for an adult walking high above a carpet this generally doesn’t create a problem but will for children still crawling or walking around.
When a carpet becomes dirty there is a build-up of sticky residue that some allergens will stick to and will only become a problem for small children that are crawling with their faces close to the surface. There are ways to prevent these allergens staying in the carpet in order to minimise and allergic reaction however the particles are so small that regular vacuuming, although does help, will not remove all of them.
That being said it is still possible to enjoy the luxurious feel of a carpet that offers protection as well as warmth especially for those tiny members of the household and a regular cleaning schedule should be maintained in order to keep the carpet from building up dirt. The more dirt on the carpet the more likely that allergens will have places to hide and be trapped waiting to be released by movement.
Apart from regular vacuuming and professional cleaning, protecting your carpet will create a lot less space for the allergens to hide. Most carpets on the market today come with a protection when you buy them however through friction created by vacuuming this protection wears off and at least once a year a new protectant should be applied after thorough cleaning. Basically that this protectant does is coat the fibres so that dirt and dust particles cannot penetrate the fibre and are easily removed when you are doing your daily vacuuming.
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With over two decades in the business, Puredry has become well known for delivering excellent value and great results.
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