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What Carpet is Best for Allergies

carpets best for allergy sufferers

Carpets have been one of the most popular floor covering for so many years that it is not possible to remember a time in your family’s history that you can’t remember at least a huge floor rug. The reason is very simple; the soft plush feel of a carpet under your feet beats cold tiles any day. However there is a slight problem that carpets have so many fibres. Theses fibres can be made up of natural or synthetic material and all will trap various allergens that may set of an allergic reaction. So, what carpet is best for allergies?

The carpet manufacturers will give you one story and the laminate boys will give you another, depending on where they tend to gain financially. People tend to live a cocoon nowadays and think that it is possible to prevent almost anything, disease, allergy ect. This simply is not true. Houses do not consist of carpets alone, there are, pets, people, clothes, hair and just the natural environment of air movement.

You open the door on a windy day, hello allergens.

It is not so much the type of carpet that is best for allergens; it is how you look after the carpet. Do you own a decent vacuum cleaner? Do you vacuum every day? Do the kids let the dog come in and play? Having allergens and allergic reactions to certain things is not nice at all, agree. But pointing fingers at carpets and other floor coverings is not the answer.

Yes synthetic carpets that don’t have the same tiny holes between their fibres won’t trap and much dirt, but they still will trap dirt.  There are only two ways to get dirt out of a carpet.

  1. Regular vacuuming and spotting regime. Vacuum in the morning and vacuum in the evening. If someone spills something clean it up straight away with the various spotters that Pure Dry Offer.
  2. Get you carpet professionally cleaned. The amount of times you get your rug or carpets cleaned depends entirely on the traffic in your home. A foyer mat in an office building will need cleaned at least once a week. A home that only has a single occupant and no pets will probably get away with once a year depending of their social life.

We walk on carpets all day, every day and then wonder why they get dirty and why they hold allergens when we don’t clean them. Everyday people, well I suppose most people, wear at least one set of clothing simply because dirt and allergens are part of our life and will never go away.


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What Carpet is Best for Allergies

carpets best for allergy sufferers

Carpets have been one of the most popular floor covering for so many years that it is not possible to remember a time in your family’s history that you can’t remember at least a huge floor rug. The reason is very simple; the soft plush feel of a carpet under your feet beats cold tiles any day. However there is a slight problem that carpets have so many fibres. Theses fibres can be made up of natural or synthetic material and all will trap various allergens that may set of an allergic reaction. So, what carpet is best for allergies?

The carpet manufacturers will give you one story and the laminate boys will give you another, depending on where they tend to gain financially. People tend to live a cocoon nowadays and think that it is possible to prevent almost anything, disease, allergy ect. This simply is not true. Houses do not consist of carpets alone, there are, pets, people, clothes, hair and just the natural environment of air movement.

You open the door on a windy day, hello allergens.

It is not so much the type of carpet that is best for allergens; it is how you look after the carpet. Do you own a decent vacuum cleaner? Do you vacuum every day? Do the kids let the dog come in and play? Having allergens and allergic reactions to certain things is not nice at all, agree. But pointing fingers at carpets and other floor coverings is not the answer.

Yes synthetic carpets that don’t have the same tiny holes between their fibres won’t trap and much dirt, but they still will trap dirt.  There are only two ways to get dirt out of a carpet.

  1. Regular vacuuming and spotting regime. Vacuum in the morning and vacuum in the evening. If someone spills something clean it up straight away with the various spotters that Pure Dry Offer.
  2. Get you carpet professionally cleaned. The amount of times you get your rug or carpets cleaned depends entirely on the traffic in your home. A foyer mat in an office building will need cleaned at least once a week. A home that only has a single occupant and no pets will probably get away with once a year depending of their social life.

We walk on carpets all day, every day and then wonder why they get dirty and why they hold allergens when we don’t clean them. Everyday people, well I suppose most people, wear at least one set of clothing simply because dirt and allergens are part of our life and will never go away.


Need Quality Carpet Cleaning at a Fair Price?

 Over 20 Years Experience    Free Stain Treatment & Deoderizing
 Prompt Service    Non-toxic Products    Safe for Babies & Pets

With over two decades in the business, Puredry has become well known for delivering excellent value and great results.

What are you waiting for?  Enquire now for a free quote!

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